BMS Scrapers
BMS Cleaners can be installed across all bulk handling industries and help to minimise material carry back, reducing downtime, increasing productivity, and aiding not only safety but environmental performance All BMS cleaners and parts are manufactured within the UK.
BMS Primary ‘Pre-Cleaner’ is equipped with a single Polyurethane Blade and self-adjusting twister tensioning system. The Primary Unit is positioned on the belt head drum under the material flow and is installed with direct contact onto the conveyor belt. This is most effective at removing larger pieces of material.

The E Range Secondary Cleaners comprise of Tungsten Carbide or PU multi-blades (selected to suit material specifications). Secondary’s are installed on the return side of the belt and are designed to remove the last 1/10mm of material, otherwise known as the paint scraper principal.
V Plough
BMS V-Ploughs are fabricated in a robust V Shape, accompanied with BMS polyurethane blades to direct rouge material away from the head drum, protecting the conveyor belt, tail drum and take-up pulleys.